

How to Pronounce Capricorn in English

If you were born between December 22 and January 19, then you are a Capricorn. While the astrological sign is well-known, the pronunciation of the word “Capricorn” may not be as familiar to non-native English speakers. In this article, we’ll explore the correct pronunciation of Capricorn in English.

The word “Capricorn” comes from the Latin words “capra” meaning goat and “cornu” meaning horn. This refers to the mythical creature known as the sea-goat, which is the symbol of the Capricorn zodiac sign. The correct pronunciation in English is “CAP-ri-korn”, with the emphasis on the first syllable.

To break it down further, the first syllable “CAP” is pronounced with a short “a” sound, like “cat” or “hat”. The “R” sound is pronounced strongly, almost like a growling sound from the back of the throat. It’s important to use your mouth muscles to make this sound correctly. The second syllable “i” is pronounced with a short “i” sound, like “sit” or “hit”. The final syllable “korn” is pronounced with a silent “e” at the end, so it rhymes with “horn”.

Now that we’ve broken down the syllables, let’s put them together. Practice saying “CAP-ri-korn” slowly at first, emphasizing each syllable. Then, try saying it faster and more fluidly. Remember to use your mouth muscles to make the “R” sound correctly.

In addition to the correct pronunciation, it’s important to know the meaning behind the Capricorn zodiac sign. Capricorns are known for their hardworking nature, ambition, and determination to succeed. They are also characterized as being practical, responsible, and highly organized. If you are a Capricorn, embrace these qualities and use them to reach your goals.

In conclusion, the correct pronunciation of “Capricorn” in English is “CAP-ri-korn”. Practice saying it slowly at first, then faster and more fluidly. And remember, as a Capricorn, your hard work and determina【更多相关资讯请访问WWw.sheicuo.coM>三层星座】tion will bring you success.

标签:# 摩羯座# 英文# 怎么# 读书# capricorn

