Sure, you can ask about your星座! In the United States, it's a common topic of conversation among friends, family, and even some colleagues. As a person who believes in the power of星座, I'm here to tell you that there's no need to be concerned about your星座.
First of all, let's get something clear:星座并不能完全决定一个人的性格或命运. Sure, some people may have more in common with their星座 than others, but that doesn't mean that their personality or career paths were determined by their星座. In fact, research has shown that星座 doesn't have any predictive value at all.
However, there are some people who believe that星座 can give them some guidance and advice. For example, some people may believe that their星座暗示了他们的性格特点, such as being more creative in the morning or more analytical at night. Others may use星座 to determine their career path, with some people finding that their星座 predicted their success in certain fields.
Despite the popular belief that星座 can affect one's personality or career, there is no scientific evidence to support this. Sure, some people may be influenced by their星座, but that doesn't mean that it has any actual impact on their actions or attitudes.
In conclusion, while it's natural to be curious about your星座, it's important to remember that it doesn't have any real impact on your personality or career. Instead, focus on what truly matters, such as your hard work, determination, and skills.